White Tara (Dolma karpo)सेतो तारा THANGKA PAINTING 10%OFF Brand New
2 years ago Furniture, Home Decor & Appliances Kathmandu 131 views Reference: 112White tara is extermely powerful .Tara is very closed to sentient beings,like a mother to her children . She is very quick to fulfill our wishes and to grant a happens and a long life as well as help to develop wisdom.By taking refuse in tara and practiving meditation .visulizations and having faith,you have the power to remove obstacles to your life and to prolong your life it is obstacles in your life and untimely death are due to negative karma .The solution is to purify it .you can also make butter lamp offering to triple gem.Butter lamp offering help you develop dharma wisdom and clairuoyance due to their nature of dispelling.The darkness around holy objects. white tara mantra: OM TARE TUTTARE TURE MAMA AYUR PUNE GYANA PUNTIN KURU SOHA