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Digital Marketing (Run Package) Services

7 months ago   Marketing and Design Services   Kathmandu   201 views Reference: 1264

Price: ₨ 20,000

Rating: (0)

Available Quantity: 10

Run Package :- NPR 20,000 exclusive of VAT & all other govt taxes

Our Run Package is designed for growing businesses aiming to enhance their digital footprint. It offers comprehensive services including social media management, email marketing campaigns, and regular content updates to boost engagement and drive traffic.

1) Social Media Handlings, Management and Marketing in Facebook + Instagram + LinkedIn
- Comprehensive Social Media Monthly Content Calendar Creation with execution timeline
- Festive Post Design and upload along with caption
- Cover Image/banners Creation 2 per month for each platforms (1 per 15 days X 2 times)
- 10 Ads Creative Creation, Design & Upload along with caption (1 post per every 3 days)
- 2 stories per month : (1 per every 2 weeks X 2 times)
- Enhanced Social Media Visibility by use of relevant Hash tags
- Monthly Analytical Reporting

2) Mobile Marketing through WhatsApp + Local Bulk SMS Portal
- WhatsApp Broadcasting (4 time per month)
- 1000 Bulk SMS Included (Contacts shall be provided)

3) Campaign Planning & Execution
- Landing Page Creation - Call to Action Module (1 time per month)
- Leads Generation - Lead Nurturing

4) Paid Ads (Boosting)
Paid Advertisement shall be run on various requested social media platform at 20% Service Charge and 13% VAT additional excluding all other government taxes. Client shall declare the Ad spend budget as per requirement and shall be charges in Nepali Currency with current date exchange rate. $10 paid boosting is including in this package.